This and That

Whether you are looking for art for a greeting card, a business logo, certificates, birth announcements, invitations, business cards, monogram design, wall murals, a favorite pet portrait, children items such as growth charts or name signs, let’s chat. I love drawing, lettering, painting, engraving, designing, and creating. I work in all kinds of mediums and would love to work with you to create what you are dreaming of.

Below is a random selection of various pieces. Watercolors, colored pencils, markers, oil, pastels. Surfaces include paper, wood, canvas, glass, metal, mirror.

Growth Charts are made out of wood. The idea is to measure the children in your life and when you move to a new location you can take it with you. Unlike the days when measurements were on the door molding and stayed behind when you moved to a new home.

Who doesn’t love a portrait of their dog, cat, chicken or other loved pet? All I need is a photo of your pet and we are off to creating that special portrait.

